Tuesday, March 23, 2010


As owner of dog that you're at your dog first aid is required. Dogs are curious creatures and sometimes in dangerous situations. If you become problems, to help your work.  Many problems with which a dog face are similar to those of its own. Your dog a veterinarian can reach you, it will depend on you. Have you must share supplies help really effective.

Roles of gauze and tape is necessary and useful for slow down or in your doggie emergency kit to stop the bleeding. You can also some blood news to find the products of coagulation. Hydrogen peroxide is important for the cleaning of wounds. Essential to a former global just a leather dog in shock. A first aid kit should include antihistamines for pitting bee or WaSP, an antibiotic gel and washing of the eye. In addition, garza of cotton wool rolls or full, scissors (preferably with consulting rounded), tweezers, a thermometer Rektal; syringes (without the needle) orally, elastic bandages medicine.

Take time to learn the basics of first aid. Phone number of your veterinarian for the practice of holding where necessary. If you believe that your dog can be professional support needed in the middle of the night and on weekends, call to consult your veterinarian and in the first place. There may be some good advice or instructions to accomplish this is.  Many cities are emergency centres now pet.  We recommend that you keep the number in your first aid kit.

Consider taking a wounded dog is fear can bite.  If you think it possible that a muzzle is another of their Kit.  Avoid giving dog Tylenol.  Ask your veterinarian, requires that the type of pain is correct and maintain some with the rest.

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